Saturday, September 1, 2007

Does any of you write fiction? I would like to hear from you. This is how my 19th-century heroine feels upon discovering her undying love for her university friend:

Thought I at that sweet time, those faraway days
THat spirits lifted, and dark eyes kindled
As due to fleeting, girlish fancies stray'd,
And what of quicken'd feet and quiv'ring pulse -
Of slow, sunken heart and murm'ring sighs?
My soul had risen from perpetual lulls
To heights that flew from placid dull;
The Arts, that fine Drama had inflamed my mind
,Released the other from constant bind?Forc'd into my very thoughts
Another reason I could not have willingly brought
To bear in words. - I refused to hear
What silent voices whisper'd into mind's ear.
Nay! - I shall sound them out
And let my feelings bloom and sprout
That I can no longer deny my Will,
For Passion shall not droop, resterain'd and still
THat I love you, dearest! It cannot be denied
Or thwarted, or drown'd, or desp'rately lied.
Goodness knows how long I struggled with thee
Bitterly, passionately, I strove to free -
Myself from this entanglement. - Nay, do not leave
But let me speak before you hastily perceive.

By Claire Wong.


argentum said...

Nice poem, Fyodor Bingoffsky

Jaclyn_23 said...

yes, i write fiction =)
and i LOVE it xD
dn't know if you're still active but i thought i'd let you know ^^ your analysis' on the inspector calls have done a great deal of help for me and i wanted to say thanks =D
you can check me out on (ghostgal23) although i haven't been writing much lately due to my hectic timetable, i'll pull up my socks once i've got my head straight =)
my blog:

once again, thanks =D